⚠️ Update: we are only taking 1 more client before Q3 2024 ⚠️

If you’re running a DTC eCommerce brand doing 6 or 7 figures per month…

We'll add $50,000 to $200,000 to your monthly revenue in 90 days or we'll refund you.

Using a Done-For-You Email and SMS engine that helps you recover more sales, drive more revenue, and increase the lifetime value from your customer base

All without cookie-cutter marketing strategies, dull creatives,

increased ad spend, or service providers that overpromise and underdeliver.

⚠️ Update: we are only taking 1 more client before Q3 2024 ⚠️

If you’re running a DTC eCommerce brand doing 6 or 7 figures per month…

We'll add $50,000 to $200,000 to your monthly revenue in 90 days or we'll refund you.

Using a Done-For-You Email and SMS engine that helps you recover more sales, drive more revenue, and increase the lifetime value from your customer base

All without cookie-cutter marketing strategies, dull creatives,

increased ad spend, or service providers that overpromise and underdeliver.

Trusted by companies like

Trusted by companies like

Verified Klaviyo & Shopify partners

Verified Klaviyo & Shopify partners

Clients featured in

Clients featured in

Why ZHS Ecom?

Why ZHS Ecom?

Traditional agencies struggle to bring you a clear ROI because they…

  • Overpromise and underdeliver

  • Fail to communicate effectively

  • Pass you off to low-level contractor

Instead, ZHS Ecom gives you

  • Founder-led support

  • Custom-built strategies

  • 100% transparency.

And we're so confident we will predictably increase your monthly revenue that we'll even guarantee you crystal clear ROI, or we'll refund you.

Traditional marketing agencies struggle to bring you a clear ROI because they…

  • Overpromise and underdeliver

  • Fail to communicate effectively

  • Pass you off to low-level contractor

Instead, ZHS Ecom gives you

  • Founder-led support

  • Custom-built strategies

  • 100% transparency.

And we're so confident we will predictably increase your monthly revenue that we'll even guarantee you crystal clear ROI, or we'll refund you.

Traditional agencies struggle to bring you a clear ROI because they…

  • Overpromise and underdeliver

  • Fail to communicate effectively

  • Pass you off to low-level contractor

Instead, ZHS Ecom gives you

  • Founder-led support

  • Custom-built strategies

  • 100% transparency.

And we're incredibly confident we will predictably increase your monthly revenue that we'll even guarantee you crystal clear ROI, or we'll refund you.

Traditional Agencies

Traditional Agencies

Overpromise and underdeliver.

Struggle with retention and conversion.

Struggle with retention and conversion.

Operate without transparency.

Poorly communicate

Juggle too many clients at once.

Juggle too many clients at once.

Leave you with low-level contractors.

Juggle too many clients at once.

Hand you off to low-level contractors.

Offer generic strategies

Offer generic strategies.

Lack creative ideas.

Lack creative ideas.

Drain your resources and time.

ZHS Ecom

Excels in holistic retention and conversion.

Excels in holistic retention and conversion.

Sets realistic goals and exceed them.

Sets realistic goals and exceed them.

Prioritizes transparency and data-driven decisions.

Prioritizes transparency and data-driven decisions.

Aligns our financial incentives with your success.

Aligns our financial incentives with your success.

Delivers personalized attention to elevate your brand.

Delivers personalized attention to elevate your brand.

Crafts bespoke strategies for your brand.

Crafts bespoke strategies for your brand.

Utilizes a world-class creative team.

Utilizes a world-class creative team.

Saves your time and resources.

Saves your time and resources.

Here's our proven track record of success…

Case Study: +$58,211 Extra Monthly Revenue

This health and personal care brand needed hyper-personalized email flows and campaigns. In just 8 months we helped them add $58,211 in new monthly revenue.

Results after ZHS Ecom:

$33,615.99 generated from two flows (sending to only 55 total recipients)

$22,001.21 generated from two campaigns (sending to a total list size of 974 recipients).

$10,675.00 generated from 101 delivered flow emails

View Case Study

Case Study: +43.89% Extra Monthly Revenue

GarageTek started with very little email or SMS, which hurt their revenue and decreased customer engagement. In just 4 months, we helped them add 43.89% in new monthly revenue.

Results after ZHS Ecom:

+43.89% Increase to Monthly Revenue

54.31% of total revenue attributed to Klaviyo

View Case Study Video

Case Study: +$57,705.05 Extra Monthly Revenue in Just 2 Months

This beauty brand was sending poorly-built emails with low deliverability. In just 4 months we helped them increase their monthly revenue by $57,705.05.

Results after ZHS Ecom:

342.47% increase to total revenue, versus the previous year

302.99% increase to total revenue, versus the previous period

6.67x increase to campaign revenue per recipient.

View Case Study

Case Study: +$26,496.81 Extra Monthly Revenue

This beauty and personal care brand was stretched very thin and their CMO was creating all the emails. In just 4 months we helped them add $26,496.81 in new monthly revenue.

Results after ZHS Ecom:

44.49% increase in Q2 2023 revenue vs. the previous year.

2.01x higher flow revenue per recipient.

54.7% of total revenue attributed to retention marketing

View Case Study

Case Study: +$47,433.56 Extra Monthly Revenue in Just 30 Days

This high-ticket DTC brand had no clear strategy or direction for their email marketing. In just 1 month we helped them increase their monthly revenue by $47,433.56.

Results after ZHS Ecom:

71% increase to total revenue, versus the previous period

225% increase to email revenue, versus the previous period

40.31% of total revenue attributed to email marketing

Case Study: +$58,211 Extra Monthly Revenue

This health and personal care brand needed hyper-personalized email flows and campaigns. In just 8 months we helped them add $58,211 in new monthly revenue.

Results after ZHS Ecom:

$33,615.99 generated from two flows (sending to only 55 total recipients)

$22,001.21 generated from two campaigns (sending to a total list size of 974 recipients).

$10,675.00 generated from 101 delivered flow emails

View Case Study

Case Study: +43.89% Extra Monthly Revenue

GarageTek started with very little email or SMS, which hurt their revenue and decreased customer engagement. In just 4 months, we helped them add 43.89% in new monthly revenue.

Results after ZHS Ecom:

+43.89% Increase to Monthly Revenue

54.31% of total revenue attributed to Klaviyo

View Case Study Video

Case Study: +$57,705.05 Extra Monthly Revenue in Just 2 Months

This beauty brand was sending poorly-built emails with low deliverability. In just 4 months we helped them increase their monthly revenue by $57,705.05.

Results after ZHS Ecom:

342.47% increase to total revenue, versus the previous year

302.99% increase to total revenue, versus the previous period

6.67x increase to campaign revenue per recipient.

View Case Study

Case Study: +$26,496.81 Extra Monthly Revenue

This beauty and personal care brand was stretched very thin and their CMO was creating all the emails. In just 4 months we helped them add $26,496.81 in new monthly revenue.

Results after ZHS Ecom:

44.49% increase in Q2 2023 revenue vs. the previous year.

2.01x higher flow revenue per recipient.

54.7% of total revenue attributed to retention marketing

View Case Study

Case Study: +$47,433.56 Extra Monthly Revenue in Just 30 Days

This high-ticket DTC brand had no clear strategy or direction for their email marketing. In just 1 month we helped them increase their monthly revenue by $47,433.56.

Results after ZHS Ecom:

71% increase to total revenue, versus the previous period

225% increase to email revenue, versus the previous period

40.31% of total revenue attributed to email marketing

Watch Case Study Video

Case Study: +$58,211 Extra Monthly Revenue

This health and personal care brand needed hyper-personalized email flows and campaigns. In just 8 months we helped them add $58,211 in new monthly revenue.

Results after ZHS Ecom:

$33,615.99 generated from two flows (sending to only 55 total recipients)

$22,001.21 generated from two campaigns (sending to a total list size of 974 recipients).

$10,675.00 generated from 101 delivered flow emails

View Case Study

Case Study: +43.89% Extra Monthly Revenue

GarageTek started with very little email or SMS, which hurt their revenue and decreased customer engagement. In just 4 months, we helped them add 43.89% in new monthly revenue.

Results after ZHS Ecom:

+43.89% Increase to Monthly Revenue

54.31% of total revenue attributed to Klaviyo

View Case Study Video

Case Study: +$57,705.05 Extra Monthly Revenue in Just 2 Months

This beauty brand was sending poorly-built emails with low deliverability. In just 4 months we helped them increase their monthly revenue by $57,705.05.

Results after ZHS Ecom:

342.47% increase to total revenue, versus the previous year

302.99% increase to total revenue, versus the previous period

6.67x increase to campaign revenue per recipient.

View Case Study

Case Study: +$26,496.81 Extra Monthly Revenue

This beauty and personal care brand was stretched very thin and their CMO was creating all the emails. In just 4 months we helped them add $26,496.81 in new monthly revenue.

Results after ZHS Ecom:

44.49% increase in Q2 2023 revenue vs. the previous year.

2.01x higher flow revenue per recipient.

54.7% of total revenue attributed to retention marketing

View Case Study

Case Study: +$47,433.56 Extra Monthly Revenue in Just 30 Days

This high-ticket DTC brand had no clear strategy or direction for their email marketing. In just 1 month we helped them increase their monthly revenue by $47,433.56.

Results after ZHS Ecom:

71% increase to total revenue, versus the previous period

225% increase to email revenue, versus the previous period

40.31% of total revenue attributed to email marketing

Schedule your call today

Process and Roadmap

Process and Roadmap


Initial Meeting/Consultation

(20-45 minutes, 1-3 meetings)

We'll sit down to outline your brand's objectives, tackle challenges, and pinpoint growth opportunities. You'll receive a free audit and gameplan tailored to achieve your goals. If we're a mutual fit, you'll proceed to the next step.


Onboarding, Brand Alignment, and Vision Call

Onboarding, Brand Alignment, and Vision Call

(35-55 minutes)

Work directly with our founder to align your brand's vision and goals. This 1-on-1 setting ensures tailored advice and a smooth onboarding into our systems.

(35-55 minutes)

Work directly with our founder to align your brand's vision and goals. This 1-on-1 setting ensures tailored advice and a smooth onboarding into our systems.


Offer Testing and Market Resonance

(Days 3+)

We'll experiment with and recommend diverse offers and tactics to amplify your market influence. Using real-time feedback and performance metrics, we'll refine these strategies to ensure they resonate with your market.


Top-of-Funnel Data Capture Optimization

Top-of-Funnel Data Capture Optimization

(Days 3+)

We'll fine-tune your data capture system for peak efficiency, ensuring you capture as many potential customers as possible.

(Days 3+)

We'll fine-tune your data capture system for peak efficiency, ensuring you capture as many potential customers as possible.


Email/SMS Campaign and Flow Buildout and Refresh

(Days 7+)

We'll either revamp your existing messages or build new ones from scratch, focusing on entertainment, education, and conversions to engage your audience. We'll tailor your email campaigns and sequences to not only entertain and educate but also to convert leads into profit.


Optional: Loyalty, VIP, and Referral

Program Buildout and Refresh

Optional: Loyalty, VIP, and Referral

Program Buildout and Refresh

(Days 52+)

We'll modify or develop your loyalty, VIP, and/or referral programs based on data insights, fostering long-term customer relationships.

(Days 52+)

We'll modify or develop your loyalty, VIP, and/or referral programs based on data insights, fostering long-term customer relationships.


Iterate and Optimize

(Days 73+)

We'll continuously use data to refine all aspects of our strategy, assuring ongoing dynamic and robust growth.

Here's what's included

Here's what's included:

We build out, refresh, and/or optimize the following elements, completely done-for-you:

Email and SMS Campaigns (2 to 4 per week, depending on what is optimal for your brand)

  • Built with our custom 99.9% deliverability inboxing system

  • Segmented to ensure maximum profit, without oversending and annoying your list.

Site popup and data capture system

Automated Email and SMS Flows

  • Welcome Series (8 emails total)

  • SMS Welcome Flow (2 messages total)

  • Abandoned Checkout (5 emails + 1 SMS)

  • Abandoned Cart (5 emails + 1 SMS)

  • Browse Abandonment (4 emails + 1 SMS)

  • Site Abandonment (2 emails total)

  • Customer Thank You and Upsell (5 emails +1 SMS)

  • Replenishment Reminder (5 emails total)

  • Product Review and Cross-Sell (3 emails total)

  • Customer Winback (4 emails total)

  • VIP Customers (2 emails total)

  • Birthday Gift (5 emails total)

Plus, you get access to

  • Comprehensive weekly and monthly KPI reporting.

  • Clear, daily communication in Slack.

  • Offers and Market Resonance testing

  • Data-Driven Analysis of your entire retention marketing funnel

  • Custom, End-to-End Gameplan to maximize your monthly profit via retention marketing.

  • Consistent iteration, optimization, and improvement of everything above.

We build out, refresh, and/or optimize the following elements, completely done-for-you:

Email and SMS Campaigns (2-4 emails/week + 1-3 texts/mo, depending on what is optimal for your brand)

  • Built with our custom 99.9% deliverability inboxing system

  • Segmented to ensure maximum profit, without oversending and annoying your list.

Site popup and data capture system

Automated Email and SMS Flows

  • Welcome Series (8 emails total)

  • SMS Welcome Flow (2 messages total)

  • Abandoned Checkout (5 emails + 1 SMS)

  • Abandoned Cart (5 emails + 1 SMS)

  • Browse Abandonment (4 emails + 1 SMS)

  • Site Abandonment (2 emails total)

  • Customer Thank You and Upsell (5 emails +1 SMS)

  • Replenishment Reminder (5 emails total)

  • Product Review and Cross-Sell (3 emails total)

  • Customer Winback (4 emails total)

  • VIP Customers (2 emails total)

  • Birthday Gift (5 emails total)

Plus, you get access to

  • Top-notch communication and reporting.

  • Offers and Market Resonance testing

  • Data-Driven Analysis of your entire retention marketing funnel

  • Custom, End-to-End Gameplan to maximize your monthly profit via retention marketing.

  • Consistent iteration, optimization, and improvement of everything above.

With designs like these…

With designs like these…

Here's what's included

We build out, refresh, and/or optimize the following elements, completely done-for-you:

Email and SMS Campaigns (2-4 emails/week + 1-3 texts/mo, depending on what is optimal for your brand)

  • Built with our custom max-deliverability inboxing system

  • Segmented to ensure maximum profit, without oversending and annoying your list.

Site popup and data capture system

Automated Email and SMS Flows

  • Welcome Series (8 emails total)

  • SMS Welcome Flow (2 messages total)

  • Abandoned Checkout (5 emails + 1 SMS)

  • Abandoned Cart (5 emails + 1 SMS)

  • Browse Abandonment (4 emails + 1 SMS)

  • Site Abandonment (2 emails total)

  • Customer Thank You and Upsell (5 emails +1 SMS)

  • Replenishment Reminder (5 emails total)

  • Product Review and Cross-Sell (3 emails total)

  • Customer Winback (4 emails total)

  • VIP Customers (2 emails total)

  • Birthday Gift (5 emails total)

Plus, you get access to

  • Top-notch communication and reporting.

  • Offers and Market Resonance testing

  • Data-Driven Analysis of your entire retention marketing funnel

  • Custom, End-to-End Gameplan to maximize your monthly profit via retention marketing.

  • Consistent iteration, optimization, and improvement of everything above.

But don't take our word for it.

Listen to what our clients say themselves:

"I went into this very skeptical, but Zach's approach and the execution by ZHS Ecom completely changed my perspective... We knew we needed a digital platform, and despite my initial doubts, the results have been fantastic... With several months of experience, I can confidently say that the digital marketing strategies implemented have been highly effective, contributing significantly to our revenue with an over 40% increase... The use of campaigns and flows allowed us to consistently deliver on-target, branded messages, enhancing our professionalism and customer engagement... I would absolutely recommend Zach's services to anyone looking to improve their digital presence and forward-facing branding... The success we've experienced with ZHS Ecom's strategies has not only met but exceeded my expectations, proving to be one of our most successful digital marketing endeavors..."

- Marc Shuman, CEO of GarageTek

"Hi, Tom Walls, CEO and founder of The Modern Back. I just want to put a shout out to the guys over at Zach and his email specialist crew. Absolutely great group of guys that know a lot about email and how to optimize email, help you make a little bit more money on the back end with your email list. Very, very responsive group.

Had a situation, actually a couple times this came up where we needed some immediate emails on a Saturday morning and they were there for us to help us out late Friday afternoon, Friday night, making sure that that email got sent on a Saturday morning, which is super and crucial to us.

So anyway, listen, if you're considering your email services, definitely reach out to Zach. He's going to offer some really great services for you and his team is bar none. Thanks a lot!!"

- Tom Walls, Founder and CEO of the Modern Back

But don't take our word for it. Listen to what our clients say themselves:

"I went into this very skeptical, but Zach's approach and the execution by ZHS Ecom completely changed my perspective... We knew we needed a digital platform, and despite my initial doubts, the results have been fantastic... With several months of experience, I can confidently say that the digital marketing strategies implemented have been highly effective, contributing significantly to our revenue with an over 40% increase... The use of campaigns and flows allowed us to consistently deliver on-target, branded messages, enhancing our professionalism and customer engagement... I would absolutely recommend Zach's services to anyone looking to improve their digital presence and forward-facing branding... The success we've experienced with ZHS Ecom's strategies has not only met but exceeded my expectations, proving to be one of our most successful digital marketing endeavors..."

- Marc Shuman, CEO of GarageTek

"Hi, Tom Walls, CEO and founder of The Modern Back. I just want to put a shout out to the guys over at Zach and his email specialist crew. Absolutely great group of guys that know a lot about email and how to optimize email, help you make a little bit more money on the back end with your email list. Very, very responsive group.

Had a situation, actually a couple times this came up where we needed some immediate emails on a Saturday morning and they were there for us to help us out late Friday afternoon, Friday night, making sure that that email got sent on a Saturday morning, which is super and crucial to us.

So anyway, listen, if you're considering your email services, definitely reach out to Zach. He's going to offer some really great services for you and his team is bar none. Thanks a lot!!"

- Tom Walls, Founder and CEO of the Modern Back

But don't take our word for it.

Listen to what our clients say themselves:

"I went into this very skeptical, but Zach's approach and the execution by ZHS Ecom completely changed my perspective... We knew we needed a digital platform, and despite my initial doubts, the results have been fantastic... With several months of experience, I can confidently say that the digital marketing strategies implemented have been highly effective, contributing significantly to our revenue with an over 40% increase... The use of campaigns and flows allowed us to consistently deliver on-target, branded messages, enhancing our professionalism and customer engagement... I would absolutely recommend Zach's services to anyone looking to improve their digital presence and forward-facing branding... The success we've experienced with ZHS Ecom's strategies has not only met but exceeded my expectations, proving to be one of our most successful digital marketing endeavors..."

- Marc Shuman, CEO of GarageTek

"Hi, Tom Walls, CEO and founder of The Modern Back. I just want to put a shout out to the guys over at Zach and his email specialist crew. Absolutely great group of guys that know a lot about email and how to optimize email, help you make a little bit more money on the back end with your email list. Very, very responsive group.

Had a situation, actually a couple times this came up where we needed some immediate emails on a Saturday morning and they were there for us to help us out late Friday afternoon, Friday night, making sure that that email got sent on a Saturday morning, which is super and crucial to us.

So anyway, listen, if you're considering your email services, definitely reach out to Zach. He's going to offer some really great services for you and his team is bar none. Thanks a lot!!"

- Tom Walls, Founder and CEO of the Modern Back

About Zach and ZHS Ecom

About Zach and ZHS Ecom

Hi 👋 my name is Zach.

Here's a quick background:

  • I'm from Kansas City and currently live there.

  • I graduated Carnegie Mellon University with a degree in Statistics and Machine Learning, while playing football there.

  • I created ZHS Ecom out of my passion for data science, AI and machine learning, and growing brands online.

That's why my team leverages AI and machine learning techniques to deliver incredible growth results.

Hi 👋 my name is Zach.

Here's a quick background:

  • I'm from Kansas City and currently live there.

  • I studied Statistics and Machine Learning at Carnegie Mellon University, while playing football there.

  • That's why my team leverages AI and machine learning techniques to deliver incredible growth results.

  • I created ZHS Ecom out of my passion for data science, AI and machine learning, and growing brands online.

Check Out Our YouTube How-To Guides:

Check Out Our YouTube How-To Guides:

Check Out Our YouTube How-To Guides:

This call is for you if...

This call is for you if...

You have a strong product-market fit and are looking to increase your monthly revenue.

You have a strong product-market fit and are looking to increase your monthly revenue.

You’re willing and able to invest into your growth, with the guarantee that you will achieve a crystal-clear ROI, or you don't pay.

You’re willing and able to invest into your growth, with the guarantee that you will achieve a crystal-clear ROI, or you don't pay.

You want to work with a dedicated retention partner, not just an agency that overpromises and underdelivers.

You want to work with a dedicated retention partner, not just an agency that overpromises and underdelivers.

Schedule a call today!

Schedule a call today!

Book Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What services do you offer?

How much does this cost?

What if I pay and don’t get results?

What makes you different than others?

How long does this process take?

How much time do I need to dedicate to this?

Will you send a ton of emails and annoy my subscribers?

What if I'm not satisfied with your copy or designs?

What is your communication and reporting structure?

Get our 242-point Email and SMS Marketing Optimization Checklist

Get our 242-point Email and SMS Marketing Optimization Checklist

Get our 242-point Email and SMS Marketing Optimization Checklist
